Access to Fair Assessment Policy
Procedure Number: 002
Access to Fair Assessment Policy |
Date of Last Revision: |
17/2/2020 |
Date of Last Review: |
17/2/2020 |
Date of Next Review: |
17/2/2021 |
1.0 Introduction
- Statement on Assessment
- We aim to provide an assessment framework which provides our candidates with the opportunity to achieve their full potential by the most appropriate and direct method.
- Our assessment policy is based upon the concepts of equality, diversity, clarity, consistency and openness.
- We will endeavour to ensure that all of our assessment processes are fair and non – discriminatory.
- Access
Candidates are made aware of this policy and have access to it:
- A paper copy is held as a master document in the Centre File.
- A paper copy is issued to each candidate as part of their portfolio.
All staff involved in the assessment of qualifications are made aware of the contents of this policy and receive a paper copy as part of their induction to the role of assessor.
This policy is reviewed annually and may be revised in response to feedback from students, tutors, assessors and external organisations.
2.0 Policy Statement
- What Candidates Can Expect From Us
Every candidate taking a qualification with Betterweld will be assessed fairly. This means that:
- Assessment of practical ability will be agreed, planned and documented prior to commencing the assessment activity and will reflect the actual ability of the candidate.
- Knowledge will be formally assessed. Every candidate will use the same set of exercises to meet the knowledge assessment criteria.
- Assessments will be standardised so that all candidates regardless of their Trainer/Assessor can be judged against the same criteria.
- Our assessment processes and performance will be discussed at our quarterly standardisation meeting. Issues will be fed into an action plan to be actioned at the time of the annual policy review.
Candidates can also expect:
- An assessment schedule at the beginning of their course.
- Assessment planning and assessment opportunities during their course.
- Assessment and performance criteria documented and presented to them at the beginning of their course.
- All work will be assessed. Constructive feedback will be given in writing to enable the candidate to adapt and improve their performance.
- All written work will be marked within 5 days of submitting it. Written work is not graded.
- If written work is not technically correct or accurate written feedback will be given. The candidate needs to only submit the work that has been re-done or amended. This work will be marked within 5 days of receipt.
- A candidate can gain full accreditation for all prior learning upon production and verification of the necessary paperwork.
- A candidate will be deemed to be competent when they have had their practical skills assessed on 3 separate occasions and where the records of assessment demonstrate coverage of the scope plus having answered correctly the relevant questions associated with their qualification.
- The Assessor will maintain a record of candidate progress.
- What we expect from our Candidates
- Candidates are expected to attend all training sessions.
- Candidates will plan their assessments and agree that plan with their Assessor.
- Candidates will meet the assessment criteria within the given timescale.
- All work submitted for assessment must be the work of the candidate only. The candidate will sign to verify that the work submitted is their work only.
- Written work submitted must use language that is technically correct and must not include discriminatory or derisory statements.
- Marked work and records will be maintained by the candidate in their portfolio until such time as the EQA or IQA has been satisfied.
- Once verified the candidate will be advised that they are required to keep the portfolio as a legal requirement for 3 years after the qualification end date.
- Candidates are expected to sign for receipt of their portfolio and any certificates.
- Cheating
It is very difficult if not impossible to cheat during a 1:1 assessment of your practical skills. However, attempted bribery will not be tolerated. Such instances will be reported by your Assessor, investigated and relevant actions applied to you including dismissal from the course.
- Investigation Process
Regardless of the seriousness of the incident the following process will apply:
The Assessor at their discretion may:
- Deal with the matter and give help or guidance to the candidate.
- Issue a warning about future conduct.
- Report the matter to the Training Academy Manager and arrange for a disciplinary hearing.
- Inform the candidate of their disciplinary hearing.
- Attend the disciplinary hearing with the candidate.
- Disciplinary Outcomes
The IQA will listen to evidence from both the candidate and assessor before considering the following options:
- Refuse to accept the work and request it to be re-done and submitted within a given time frame.
- Issue a written warning with regard to future conduct and forward copies of that warning to interested 3rd parties e.g. employers, job centre staff etc.
- Dismiss the candidate from the programme.
The decision of the Training Academy Manager is final.
3.0 Revisions
Date |
Pages / Sections |
Issue Status |
Amendment Details |
17/2/2020 |
All |
Issue 1 |
First issue of policy |