Course Evaluation Policy
1.Policy Statement
Betterweld are committed to ensuring that all Candidates and Apprentices experience high quality training which is fully compliant with the processes and practices of the ESFA which is supported by our own high quality systems and practices.
Overall assessment of Apprenticeship and stand-alone training provision falls within the quality and assurance of teaching and learning, and is fully compliant with the requirements of OfSTED and is based on a process of continual improvement and assessment of performance against our KPIs.
Evaluating quality of training and outcomes is the responsibility of the Managing Director to ensure an objective and impartial review is carried out and in compliance with OFSTED requirements. The policy will be made available to all staff, employer, apprentices and candidates. It will be annually reviewed and updated to reflect any changed circumstances if required. Any revision will be brought to the attention of employees and stakeholders.
- Special requirements
When working with apprentices Betterweld works as the main provider and deliverer of apprentice training.
Apprentices and host employers will be subject to the Evaluation of Training & Outcomes policy (this policy). Betterweld will ensure that all apprentices and employers are given access to this documents.
Betterweld is passionate about delivering high quality and excellence in Apprenticeships. We do this through a process of continual improvement, measuring quality and effectiveness of provision and overall responsiveness to learners, employers and stakeholders.
- Assessing Performance in Apprenticeship Delivery
Betterweld will carry out regular self-assessment to identify and address any under-performance in Apprenticeship delivery of training through utilising feed-back, where relevant and having robust Management Information Systems. The management team of Betterweld review performance on at least monthly and is subject to a formal review with the Betterweld managing executive, quarterly.
Key Performance Indicators, are generally set, against all elements of the apprentice journey.
Betterweld has a rigorous and robust, externally validated, self-assessment process, which measures progress in achieving / exceeding annual Key Performance indicators aimed at:
- Delivering excellence and a high quality service for our funder(s) and those with whom we interface;
- Giving confidence to ESFA, Employers, Apprentices and Stakeholders;
- Meeting retention, timeliness and achievement targets in line with ILP’s;
- Managing risks to delivery by effectively monitoring and managing, recorded on an actions database with progress towards completion;
- Achieving year on year improvements to minimum performance levels. To monitor and manage the effectiveness of provision in meeting the needs, priorities and maximise outcomes for learners and employers, Betterweld will annually issue a structured timetable for self-assessment, self-regulation, and observation activity with staff CPD. In addition, feedback will be sought from stakeholders and built into the continuous improvement cycle.
Assessment activity includes, but is not limited to:
- Annual Self-Assessment (SAR)
- An annual Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) monitored quarterly
- Annual internal review to improve the Apprenticeship assessment process
- Mock OfSTED inspection support from an independent organisation
- Quarterly quality reviews chaired by the Managing Director
- Annual review and update of policies, procedures, systems and processes
- Responding to Feed-back From Employers and Apprentices
Betterweld responds to feedback from employers and apprentices in a positive way and provides feedback on improvements made as a consequence (if possible / applicable). This includes analysis of Apprentice / employer complaints, number of breaks in learning, early leaver and Past End Date learners.
Betterweld uses a number of structured methodologies for ensuring continuous improvement in Apprenticeship delivery. These include:
- Seeking and Responding to feedback from apprentices (start, 6 months & end)
- Seeking and Responding to feedback from employers (start, 6 months & end)
- Seeking and Responding to feedback from stakeholders (e.g. ESFA, OFSTED)
- Observation practices in all stages of learning:
- Recruitment to ensure informed decisions, apprentice and employer skills scans completed and inform an individual Apprenticeship programme
- IAG at On-boarding incl: Complaints, Behaviours and British Values
- Induction to standard and 20% off the job activities
- Initial Assessment and Functional Skills diagnostic activities
- Practical and work placed observation activities
- ILP / Progression review meetings (at least two during the life of the Apprenticeship)
- End Point Assessment Gateway
- Peer working
- Standardisation meetings
Where appropriate, action is recorded in the apprentice’s learning portfolio, e.g. change of assessor.
4.10 Observation of the Apprentice learning journey
Betterweld believes that observation remains a fundamental activity to seek assurance that the services being delivered meet the needs of the apprentice and their employers. Betterweld works
with specialist Apprenticeship advisory bodies to observe and implement high quality Apprenticeship standard delivery, engages with End Point Assessment organisations to ensure continuous improvements for gateway readiness and continues post learning for progression activities.
- Continuous Performance Improvements in Training
Tutors and Assessors undertake regular CPD to improve their knowledge and competence in delivering new Apprenticeship standards. When appropriate and with prior arrangement awarding bodies, End Point Assessment organisations are invited in to deliver master class sessions on new ways of working.
Betterweld constantly reviews publications through the Education & Training Foundation to take advantage of improvement webinars; specialist activity linked to Maths & English attainment, giving positive feedback as examples.
Betterweld holds regular employer and apprentice focus groups – hosted by assessors and technical delivery staff to obtain first-hand knowledge of how, what and why improvements are required to maintain and exceed quality targets.
- Identification and Addressing any Under-Performance of Training
Under performance issues are addressed immediately. These are identified through a robust management information recording system:
- Learner / Employer complaints / negative feedback
- Failure to meet targets for retention, achievement and timeliness
- Increases in early leavers or unreasonable requests for breaks in learning.
Addressing under-performance is the responsibility of everyone employed by Betterweld. Team and Individual corrective action plans are put in place with SMART objectives to implement improvements in training performance. Additional training and support is given.
In order to learn and implement new ways of working and to eliminate under-performance, we work with trailblazers, Institute of Apprenticeships, The Quality Assurance Agency and End Point Assessment organisations to seek out best practice and adopt it in CPD of our staff. This policy aims to ensure that candidates and apprentices receive a high quality training experience.
- Who should be aware of this policy?
7.1 All Management, staff, candidates, apprentices and contractors (if applicable).
7.2 Staff will receive information about this Policy through induction, the staff handbook and the company IT system.
- Policy Distribution and Communication
This policy will be published on the website, referred to in the staff and student handbooks and a paper copy placed in the Managing Directors office.